LumiCycle performs high-throughput luminometry on self-luminous tissues, such as those from transgenic animals containing the luciferase gene. We offer various solutions and software. Among other things:
LumiCycle 32 Color records from 32 samples in 35-mm Petri dishes using 4 photomultipliers. Colored filters can be placed on 2 of the photomultipliers, so that 16 samples can be recorded simultaneously in 2 different colors. Please note that Lumicycle 32 has been replaced by LumiCycle 32 Color. LumiCycle 32 Color contains the same features and more.
LumiCycle 96 records from 96 samples in 4 24-well plates using 8 photomultiplier tubes.
LumiCycle In Vivo will record from an intact animal in a standard mouse cage using 2 photomultiplier tubes.