Like LumiCycle 32, LumiCycle 96 performs high-throughput luminometry on self-luminous tissues, such as from PER-LUC mutants. LC96 records from 4 24-well plates. The system is equipped with 8 photomultiplier tubes, each selected for low dark counts and high sensitivity in the green portion of the spectrum at which luciferase emits light. A turntable and moving PMT mounting alternately brings each sample under its detector. (Specifications.)
LumiCycle 96 is identical in size to LumiCycle 32. The apparatus fits inside a standard incubator. An internal fan circulates the incubator air to maintain the proper temperature within the chamber. The temperature is therefore as stable as the incubator can make it. The turntable and photon counting are fully automated. System setup and operation is straightforward. Online help files are included with the software.
Comparison of 96-channel and 32-channel systems:
In addition to its high-precision photon counting hardware, LumiCycle has the most flexible and easy-to-use software for the collection and analysis of circadian rhythms in luminometry data. As with LC32, recording is continuous; recording on each 24-well plate can be started and stopped independently.