The UAHK-TA includes all of the transducers and lab documentation of the human kit, plus everything that you need to do the animal experiments listed in the iWorx Physiology Lab Manual. Refer to the table of contents for the iWorx Physiology Laboratory Manual.
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These Lab Exercises can be performed with the AHK-TA kit.
Animal Muscle
AM-02: Skeletal Muscle – Summation and Tetanus
AM-03: Heart Muscle
AM-06: Frog Electrocardiogram
AM-07: Crayfish Heart
AM-08: Byssal Retractor Muscle
AM-09: Crayfish Gut Pharmacology
AM-10: FrogNerveMuscle – Summation, Tetanus, and Fatigue in a Intact Nerve/Muscle Prep
AM-11: Earthworm Smooth Muscle Contractions
AM-12: Crayfish Electrocardiogram
Animal Nerve
AN-02: Compound Action Potentials
AN-03: Neuromuscular Studies
AN-04: Action Potentials in Earthworm
AN-05: Cockroach Leg Mechanoreceptors
AN-07: Cockroach Cercal Sense Organs
AN-08: Frog Sciatic Nerve Compound Action Potential
Cellular Metabolism
CM-01: Oxygen Consumption and Size
CM-07: Oxygen Consumption and Aerobic Respiration
Fluid Balance
FB-01: Osmoregulation
Human Circulation
HC-01: Blood Pressure, Peripheral Circulation and Body Position
HC-02: Blood Pressure, Peripheral Circulation and Imposed Conditions
HC-03: Pulse Wave Velocity
HC-04: Pulse Contour Analysis
HC-05: Body Position, Exercise and Cardiac Output
HC-06C:Effects of Temperature on Peripheral Oxygen Saturation Levels
Human Exercise
HE-01: Metabolism and Thermal Response to Exercise
HE-02: Recovery from Exercise
HE-03C:Exercise, Blood Pressure and Oxygen Saturation Levels
Human Heart
HH-01: Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Peripheral Circulation
HH-02: ECG and Heart Sounds with Stethoscope
HH-03: Exercise, the ECG and Peripheral Circulation
HH-04: Six Lead ECG
HH-05A: The Diving Reflex
HH-06: Heart Rate Variability
HH-07: ECG using Six Chest Leads
HH-08: Auscultation
HH-12: Pulse and Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
Human Muscle
HM-01: Grip Strength and the Electromyogram
HM-02: Electromyogram Activity in Antagonistic Muscles
HM-03: Oculomotor Muscle Activity
HM-04: Stimulus Response, Work, Summation and Tetanus in Human Muscles
HM-08: Electromyogram (EMG) Activity while Arm Wrestling
HM-09: Kinesiology and Electromyogram (EMG) Activity in Targeted Muscles
HM-10: The Electrogastrogram (EGG) and Growling Stomach
HM-11:Electromyogram (EMG) for Paired Arm Wrestling
Human Nerve
HN-01: Auditory and Visual Reflexes
HN-02B: Stretch Receptors and Reflexes with Plethysmograph
HN-03: Human Nerve Conduction Velocity
HN-06: Hoffman Reflex using the Soleus Muscle
HN-07: Median Nerve Conduction Velocity
HN-08: Game Show Physiology
Human PsychoPhysiology
HP-01: The Electroencephalogram (EEG)
HP-02:Galvanic Skin Response and Emotion
HP-03:Galvanic Skin Response and Deception, Coginitive Compliance and Vigilance
HP-04:Skin Temperature, Stress, Calming and Embarrassment
HP-05A:Heart Rate and Blood Pressure
HP-05B:Personality and Vagal Tone
HP-05C:Vigilance and Reaction Time
HP-06:Cynicism-Hostility and the Hot Reactor
HP-07:The Stroop Effect
HP-08:The Galvanic Skin Response (GSR) and Investigation into Cheating
HP-09:Facial Expression Electromyograms (EMG) and Emotion
HP-10:Visual Evoked Potentials (VEP)
HP-11:Multisensory Reaction Times
HP-12:Rubber Hand Illusion
HP-13:The Gaze Cue Paradigm
HP-14:Hypothesis-driven Biofeedback Lab/Research Study
HP-16:Eriksen Flanker Test
Human Spirometry
HS-01: Breathing Parameters at Rest and After Exercise
HS-02: Breathing and Gravity
HS-03: Factors that Affect Breathing Patterns
HS-04: Lung Volumes and Heart Rate
HS-05:Breathing Techniques and Heart Rate
HS-06C:Ventilation and Oxygen Saturation Levels – Part 1
HS-07C:Ventilation and Oxygen Saturation Levels – Part 2
HS-08: Restrictive and Obstructive Airway Diseases
TT-01: Tutorial with ECG
TT-02: Tutorial with pulse
The UAHK-TA Kit includes: