The RS-HKTA allows users of iWorx RS-HKTA Advanced Physiology Teaching Kit to study reflexes. The add-on set supports several teaching exercises, including:
HM-05: Flexibility and Range of Motion
HM-06: Stimulation of Antagonistic Muscles
HM-07: Electromyogram (EMG) Activity in Antagonistic Muscles and Range of Motion
HN-02A: Stretch Receptors and Reflexes with Reflex Hammer
The RS-HKTA includes:
RPD-400 4 Button Response Pad
GN-100 Single-Axis Goniometer with 6” arm
PRH-100 Patellar Reflex Hammer with a BNC connector
BCL-100 Bi-Color LIght source
FRS-220 Foot Reaction Switch with Phono Connector for use with IX-TA-220