The NS-HKTA add-on kit enables users of iWorx AHK-TA Combination Animal/Human Physiology Teaching kit to teach 7 experiments and 28 exercises for animal neurobiology.
The NS-HKTA kit includes:
FT-302 Force Transducer
GN-100 Goniometer
IC-200 Intracellular Probe
NBC-402 Dual Nerve Bath Chamber
PRH-200 Patellar Reflex Hammer
A-SUCTIONELEC Suction Electrode
C-ISO-SUCTION Suction Electrode Cable
C-ISO-GNE5 Five Grass Platinum Needle Electrodes
C-MP-H2 Monopolar extracellular hook electrode
C-BNC-P2 Cable -BNC to Dual Female Pin
C-ISO-FP5 Cable for Connecting the iWire-B3g to the NBC-402