iWorx offers 80 experiments and more than 250 exercises in animal fluid balance, animal metabolism, animal muscle and animal nerve physiology and all of the components and courseware you need to conduct the labs. Choose one of our easy-to-use TA kits for combination animal/human physiology or design your own labs based on the experiments you want to teach using our unique LabsByDesign configurator. The Combination Animal/Human Physiology Teaching Kits include everything you need to conduct a comprehensive lab course in human and animal physiology. iWorx has also introduced a new teaching kit for advanced neurobiology. All of the packages with the AHK designation contain all of the transducers and lab experiments included in the human physiology teaching kits, plus the animal transducers and documentation for a total of 33 experiments and 123 exercises. The additional experiments in animal physiology cover metabolism, membrane and action potentials, muscle activity, and ionic and osmotic balance. Detailed instructions for each experiment and exercise are provided in the iWorx Physiology Laboratory Manual. You can find an overview of the learning goals and outcomes for each exercise here.