Animal Transducer Set for HK-TA Human Physiology Teaching Kits
The AS-TA Add-On Transducer Set adapts the HK-TA and HK-TA256NI kits for use in traditional animal physiology experiments. This set includes all the equipment and courseware needed to convert an HK-TA (human) kit into an AHK-TA (combination animal/human) kit. With these additional transducers, 11 animal experiments with 47 exercises can be conducted. These include studies of action potentials, muscles, synapses, metabolism, fluid balance, and membrane potentials.
The AS-TA includes:
These Lab Exercises can be performed with the AS-TA addon.
Animal Muscle |
AM-01: Skeletal Muscle – Weight and Work |
AM-02: Skeletal Muscle – Summation and Tetanus |
AM-03: Heart Muscle |
AM-04: Uterine Motility with Displacement Transducer |
AM-05: Intestinal Motility with Displacement Transducer |
AM-06: Frog Electrocardiogram |
AM-07: Crayfish Heart |
AM-08: Byssal Retractor Muscle |
AM-09: Crayfish Gut Pharmacology |
AM-10: FrogNerveMuscle – Summation, Tetanus, and Fatigue in a Intact Nerve/Muscle Prep |
AM-11: Earthworm Smooth Muscle Contractions |
AM-12: Crayfish Electrocardiogram |
Animal Nerve |
AN-02: Compound Action Potentials |
AN-03: Neuromuscular Studies |
AN-04: Action Potentials in Earthworm |
AN-05: Cockroach Leg Mechanoreceptors |
AN-07: Cockroach Cercal Sense Organs |
AN-08: Frog Sciatic Nerve Compound Action Potential |
Cellular Metabolism |
CM-01: Oxygen Consumption and Size |
Fluid Balance |
FB-01: Osmoregulation |